lakhify™ | e-books
Opportunity emanates from Adversity ~ Isaac Lakhi
Our Highway Collection is an exciting collection of books designed to entertain, enthrall, and excite you. It is our desire to bring your imagination to life, get your heart racing, scintillate your pulse, give you goosebumps and have you sitting on the edge of your seat!
Our coveted, lustful, and highly desired book, HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN, is an inspiring 373-page Self-help epistle written for the promising minds of the twenty-first century.
HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN features over one hundred easy-to-implement solutions that will take you from heedlessness to wakefulness, from middle class to world-class, and from ordinary to extraordinary. HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN is available is available as an awesome e-book, an exhilarating audiobook, an awe-inspiring Paperback, and a life-altering Limited-Edition Hardcover. an awe-inspiring Paperback, and a life-altering Limited-Edition Hardcover. Please note that the e-book and audiobook are automatically included as a benefit of your membership, while our paperback and hardcover are not part of your membership, and therefore, subject to a nominal fee.
if you feel like you've reached the glass ceiling in your career, you may enjoy our short story, You the Man!. This inspiring read tells of our corporate ascension and the ensuing frustrations that caused us to re-think our corporate strategy and veer into the road less travelled - Entrepreneurship!
In the heart of a timeless struggle, a story unravels that defies the boundaries of time and the limits of human imagination. "Highway to Hell" transports readers into a maze of power, intrigue, and ambition that transcends generations. Witness the rise of a trio of visionary entrepreneurs dedicated to revolutionizing the world and confronting the urgent challenges of climate change. Prepare to be spellbound! Enjoy our video below ...
HIGHWAY TO HELL will transform you from heedlessness to wakefulness, from middle class to world-class, and from ordinary to extraordinary. HIGHWAY TO HELL is available is available as an awesome e-book, an exhilarating audiobook, an awe-inspiring Paperback, and a life-altering Limited-Edition Hardcover. Please note that the e-book and audiobook are automatically included as a benefit of your membership, while our paperback and hardcover are not part of your membership, and therefore, subject to a nominal fee.